The enchanting work in porcelain by FUKUMOTO Fuku (b.1973) continues to enthrall collectors and curators with their soft, radiant, unglazed surfaces punctuated by glistening glazes in shades of blue ranging from the deepest cobalt or teal to powder blue or soft gray. With the occasional final addition of platinum or gold leaf to the surfaces, her finished vessels evoke the ephemeral radiance of the sun or moon peeking through clouds or mist – embodying each sculpture with a wistful beauty. Joan B Mirviss LTD is delighted to host this third solo show for Fukumoto. Opening this autumn during Asia Week New York on September 13th and running through October, Quiet Elegance, The Ceramics of Fukumoto Fuku, will feature over two dozen of her captivating sculptures and teabowls, created specifically for this exhibition.