Kono Bairei (1844-95)
2-fold sleeping screen of flowers, 1880s
Ink and color on gold wash on silk ; 2 fold sleeping screen
27 3/8 x 73 1/2 in. 2 fold sleeping screen
Inv# 6616
Mori Sosen (1747-1821)
Two deer beneath maple tree, ca. 1780
Hanging scroll
Inv# 7722
Kawabata Gyokushô (1842-1913)
Pair of screens depicting snow on pine trees, ca. 1900
ink and gold on paper
72 x 147 1/2 inches each with mount
Inv# 7184
Kawabata Gyokushô (1842-1913)
Pair of screens depicting snow on pine trees, ca. 1900
ink and gold on paper
72 x 147 1/2 inches each with mount
Inv# 7184
Kawase hasui (1883-1957)
Tamiya Village, 1941
Inv# 7844
Ito Shinsui (1898-1972)
Paper Lantern from Gifu (Gifu chôchin), 1930
Inv# 7827
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-92)
Musashi: Full Moon and Fox, 1891
Inv# 7702
Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858)
60 odd provinces, Izumo, 1853
Inv# 7842
Utagawa Hiroshige II (1826-1869)
Kintai Bridge (The Brocade Sash Bridge), 1859
Inv# 7915
Keisai Eisen (1790-1848)
Itahana from the 69 St Kisokaido, ca. 1834-5
Inv# 7904
Kusube Yaichi (1897-1984)
White-glazed tall vase with 'crane's neck' and raised relief morning glory patterning, ca. 1955
Glazed stoneware 17 x 8 in.
Inv# 7677
Tamura Kôichi (1918-87)
Persimmon-decorated columnar vase, ca. 1968
Glazed stoneware
7 1/2 x 3 1/8 in.
Inv# 7620
Ishiguro Munemaro (1893-1968)
Black and white vase, ca.1950
Glazed stoneware
6 3/8 x 6 3/4 in.
Inv# 7817
The Winter Antiques Show 2013 booth.
Photos courtesy of Richard Goodbody.
The Winter Antiques Show 2013 booth.
Photos courtesy of Richard Goodbody.
The Winter Antiques Show 2013 booth.
Photos courtesy of Richard Goodbody.
The Winter Antiques Show 2013 booth.
Photos courtesy of Richard Goodbody.
The Winter Antiques Show 2013 booth.
Photos courtesy of Richard Goodbody.
The Winter Antiques Show 2013 booth.
Photos courtesy of Richard Goodbody.